Wednesday, June 17, 2009

watching.....He's Just Not That Into You

Just finished watching "He's Just Not That Into You" and I LOVED IT! It was a sweet movie, kinda like "Love Actually" but better. I think that all the characters were portrayed by the right actors/actresses. My take on the movie is that they hit it right on the head with this one.

I heard from various sources that this movie was not up to par but I really enjoyed it. I thought it was thoughtful and romantic and real. The whole dating scene, or should I say relationship idea, is completely different from what reality is. We are brought up with a set of rules that we ought to follow to extract something from someone we like but how can ONE set of rules apply to billions of people in the world? People in itself are inherently different from one another.

What I took from this movie is that you should not allow yourself to be chained to the do's & don'ts of relationships created by god knows who and passed down through generations. Yes, they may act as guidelines but don't live by them. Feel the other person out, connect with them and then you'll manage to tap into what makes them tick. I love the Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck storyline. In the end, she saw that a piece of paper certifying that they were husband and wife did not define their love for each other. Their love transcended those gender roles but Ben Affleck knew that although she finally realized what he had been trying to tell her all the while, the one thing that could make her happier was for him to marry her and he did. Out of love for her. Which is why one should marry. As a celebration of love. Not because its time or this is what I should have at this point in my life.

In this day and age, I am surrounded by people who get married or are in relationships because they believe that at this certain age I should have this, this, this in my life. But my personal outlook is that things will happen naturally, if its written in the stars, it will happen. Fate is definite. Don't be with someone for the sake of having someone. Don't not be with someone just because you think it's not time for it. If a life-changing oppurtunity comes along and all the variables are looking as if they fit, embrace it.