Friday, April 9, 2010

just going with the flow

I was talking with a couple of my girlfriends about my feelings on turning an age closer to thirty. I was feeling a bit depressed about having come much nearer to writing a three instead of a two and having to tick a whole other age bracket when filling in forms. My collective group of pals commisserated with me, well, the ones who have turned a year older along with me anyways. The ones whose birthdays just passed last year are mocking us. But the more I thought about it, I decided not to let age get me down. I am going to embrace this year's birthday and celebrate it like I've not done before.

I would say, now that my birthday week has come and gone, it was fun and fantabulous and celebrated to the fullest. I had seven seperate celebrations; big family dinner, small family dinner, lunch with home branch of company, dinner with best gal pal no 1 (twice), dinner with group of best gal pals (2,3,4,5,6) and lunch with best gal pal 7. It was great, yes, all that eating most likely didn't help in my quest to lose weight but I wasn't counting calories that week. I ate heartily and the smorgasboard of food was delectable; seafood fresh from the ocean (the day's catch), pizza palooza, dim sum, gourmet burgers, Italian fine dining, Tony Roma's, and Asian fusion. I had fun with each and every one who helped me celebrate turning a year older. Thank you, all of you, for making my birthday this year such a success! I love each and every one of you more than you guys will ever know. My family, goes without question, you are the number one priority in my life. My various gal pals, we have stuck together through thick and thin, some of us since we were mere seven year olds. I'll always have your backs girls, just as you've always had mine!

In fact, I am not stopping at just my brithday day, week, month. I've decided this is just Zlena's Year of Complete Indulgence; to just pander to my every whim and fancy. No more chastising myself, this is the year you treat yourself to whatever your heart desires, Zlena. So, pamper yourself to your heart's content. Buy whatever you wish, do whatever you want to do, let the constraints that hold you back from experiencing life to the fullest fall away and just embrace yourself; every single thing about you, flaws and all.

This year has been relatively great for me thus far. I don't want to look at things negatively anymore. I'm just going to try being positive about the things that has happened to me since 2010 began. I've had a pay bump, I've been back to see my family 3 times already this year, I've received a declaration of love, been pursued by an ex-crush, got hit on by a younger guy who thought I was 25 (that was flattering, thanks S!), been following a relatively steady 1-hr 7 days a week exercise routine since the last week of February and bought my first truly really expensive handbag. Maybe I can achieve more this year if I make more of a conscious effort to make things happen for me. So, here's to a year of living frivolously!