Monday, April 5, 2010

when i go off the rails, i really go off the rails!

I give up. I'm now going to take the approach of que sera, sera and cest la vie. Every time I write myself up chastising my questionable behavior on one thing or another, I end up with figurative pie on my face.

I went to KL for the Malaysia GP last weekend and somehow managed to blow more than USD2K in a day. A DAY! $2030 was on a handbag. Yes, yes, SOB! I just royally outdid myself. Despite all my protestations that I will not go beyond the $1K mark, I just had to top myself excessively by not just going over the limit a little bit but by a whole thousand dollars! At the end of it all, I'm now in posession of a gorgeous brown Miu Miu satchel in deerskin leather and subtle gold hardware. Apparently the only one in its shade in Malaysia. I'll admit it, the exclusivity of the item did sway my descision a tad.

Oh, I blame my eldest sister for this. She was the one who lured us (my other sis and I) into Miu Miu because she was lusting over the bag after seeing it on some fashionista's shoulder during her business trip to HK two weeks ago. She couldn't get the bag out of her head so we went to Miu Miu in search of her holy grail satchel. And lo and behold, there it was, in the exact same shade of denim blue she wanted. The same shade as the one worn by the HK girl as she traipsed into a Starbucks. She got it off of the display and the moment it sat on her shoulder, her whole being was transformed. I can't believe that a bag has that much transformative power but this bag is just gorgeous personified. Then the sales assisstant, whose name is Chloe, decided to lay all her cards on the table and tell us about the limited edition version as well as a brown hued version she was keeping in the back.

So, out came the lim ed which was in a gorgeous pleated leather but, well, the whiteness of the bag was a turn-off. I wouldn't spend so much on a white bag cos I'd definitely get plenty irritated once I start seeing marks on it. Then she brought forth the brown shade and my second sis immediately fell in love with it. Funnily enough, although I thought the bag was a beautiful piece, I didn't want it. I looked at it on the shoulders of my sisters and thought, yup, this bag is one good-looking specimen but my heart did not desire it as theirs did.

My second sis was torn. She wanted the bag, lusted over it but could she afford to make such a big purchase when there were car payments, insurance coverages and three kids, two of which are school-going children, to feed? She was leaning towards a 'Yes' when sanity took over and she declined. The brown bag stood proudly next to my eldest sis as it watched her denim hued sister be lovingly caressed by its new owner (eldest sis had already made the decision to get the bag after making a call to her equally bag-a-holic friend). I looked at the brown bag on the seat and said aloud, "Lemme see what all the hullabaloo is all about". I strode over to the brown bag and picked up the shoulder strap, placed it on my shoulder and that's when the feeling of adoration washed over me. It felt great, the supple deerskin leather against my clothed body and the smell was heavenly. I could feel myself falling in love with it but the part of myself that was still in posession of my common sense told me to put down the bag and move across the room from it. And that's what I did. I put it down and moved away.

But the shopping devil that is my eldest sis, she beckoned me over, told me to wear the bag in front of the mirror to get the full effect. She told me how good I looked with the bag on my shoulder, how it complemented my whole outfit, how it was meant to be on my shoulder. I protested at first, although they sounded weak even to my ears, before walking over and picking it up and moving towards the mirror. The reflection I saw back was devastatingly breathtaking. I saw myself and this bag together in the mirror and it was just a match made in heaven! I did a couple of turns and poses and again heard the voice of sanity telling me to relinquish my hold on the bag and again I obeyed. I put it down. Chloe decided to get us drinks. My eldest sis started her campaign, wooing me with words of admiration after I said I couldn't justify another luxury handbag purchase and offering me a 12 month installment plan when I told her I didn't want to be in debt. When she was making the decision to get the bag and we were conferring on the price tag being RM6600, I had whispered in her ear that that was an affordable and reasonable amount considering she has dropped more on a Chanel Jumbo. When I look back at that moment, I start wondering, what the hell has happened to me? I have been lured in by the designer handbag sirens and I now think that two thousand dollar handbags are REASONABLE? AFFORDABLE? What the hell have I been smoking, man?!?!?

She won. My resolve weakened, I could not let this brown shade get away from us. It being the only one of its kind in Malaysia, I might as well keep it in the family. I took up my sisters installment plan offer and by the time Chloe came back with the drinks, she was delighted to find that she would be getting more commission out of the crazy bag sisters today. So, now both my eldest and I are in possession of the same Miu Miu deerskin satchel but in different hues. Her bag-a-holic friend is ecstatic for the both of us. I told my second sis she is welcome to borrow the bag from time to time when it's around.

Honestly, do I regret buying the bag? No, I don't. What I do regret is that I've become one of the people I said I wouldn't become. The kind of person who would spend so much on a material possession. I love that bag but will she be the prelude that starts a vicious slide? I hope not but since I have not exactly been a person of my word, I shall not say anything else on the subject. How I've changed from that first post I made back in October 2008 in which I eschewed paying ridiculous amounts of money for a piece of leather to today as I write about breaking that one thousand dollar barrier. I have nothing left to say so here I leave you with a glimpse of my new Miu Miu as it sits on my lap. If only you could smell it too :)