Saturday, July 25, 2009

i'm sorry to tell you but you're the last team to arrive

Ok, guess. C'mon, guess. GUESS! Which awesome reality tv show has the above title said by the host in almost all episodes? Ok, I'm just gonna tell (cos realistically who's actually going to answer me, right?), it's.....


I love the show! Despite the reality tv tag, it beats a hell of a lot of tv programming on the air right now. I've always wanted to be a part of the show. And today, I possibly could be! No, I did not get on as a contestant. That would be great if I did but alas, not the case. What happened was, I potentially can be seen in the background. LOL. I know, nothing much to shout about but it is my fave reality competition.

They were filming in the market I was shopping at and one pair's camera guy actually stopped and took a 5 second shot of me, winked and ran off after the couple he was attached to. I was filmed by a crew of "The Amazing Race"!! Also, I passed by multiple pairs and their camera and sound guy so hopefully I will appear in one or another shot. Yea. My claim to fame will be a background, blink-and-you'll-miss-it part in "The Amazing Race"!

All in all, I bumped into 5 pairs. The first was a male-male partnership, second was a couple who looked really miserable, third was another couple wearing matching dark blue tees and the guy was wearing a bandanna - rambo-style (this is when I got filmed), fourth was another male-male pair I think - one of em had a combo of neon green with some pink hair and lastly was a girl-girl pair - an asian chick with a white girl. The only definite film capture that I know of is when I bumped into the third pair. And that's even if he wasn't just pointing the cam in my face and pretending to take a shot :P

If it was my 5 seconds of fame shot then of course, it's all dependant on the editing guys so crossing my fingers that I don't end up on the cutting room floor. I hope to see myself on "The Amazing Race". I wish I could meet Phil though. Have a run towards the mat and do the whole jump and get checked in routine. That would be super great if that happened! I'm so dorky but what else can I say?