Sunday, July 26, 2009

was bored.....

so I decided to change up my blog's design again. Was getting a bit sick of looking at the sea foam green background of yore so I opted for this pink and brown design with a white middle column courtesy of, yup, you guessed it, The

I'm finding the minimalist colours more pleasing on the eyes. I guess when the majority of site developers say white is THE best background for browsing experience, it's true. No harm in experimenting but in the end, I think most people will go back to white.

Also, they had a much wider selection of blinkies this time around so I thought I'd pick a few that held meaning to me. I chose the breast cancer blinky because I have relatives who suffer from the disease and if, at any point, someone happens across this blog, the very most I can hope for is the blinky catches their attention and spreads more awareness on the matter. Yes, a lil blinky. I believe that sometimes the smallest things (i.e: a blinky) can set off the biggest change. I also thought that the "Everyone's entitled to my opinion" blinky was cute and quite descriptive of how I can be somewhat obnoxious with my opinions. And the last blinky I chose was the "I'm a city girl at heart". I have, and always will remain, a big city girl. I can do rural for 2 days max but the pull of the city will never yield.

Anyways, hope this change will last longer than the previous one. Although it didin't take me long to make the change, however, it's a tedious task all the same and I hope to avoid it till next year. Or even longer if I can help it ;)