Saturday, July 25, 2009

wishes do come true!

I have made it known in various posts how much in love I am with the Nokia N97 so it's with a great deal of happiness that I announce forthcoming ownership of said phone!

My bank had an 18 months interest-free installment payment offer on the phone and I bloody well took them up on it! I'll be paying USD32 a month for the next 18 months. The best part is the "no additional charges" and I get to have my phone now. If it weren't for this blessed promotion by the bank, I probably would only get to have my hands on it at the beginning of 2010.

I faxed in my application yesterday so pending checks, I'll be in receipt of the phone by mid-August. The checks won't take that long, the phone will be delivered within a week after approval. I just need to wait for someone to come up to this country with the phone in tow! And the only one who is due for a visit will be my boss in mid month.

In the meantime, I'm making all sorts of prep (buying a leather cover, screen protector, checking out software, etc., etc.). I've been googling around and finding the "tips & tricks" to getting the best out of an N97. I realize that a lot of the reviews regarding this model has been quite negative but I'm sure that I can overcome the issues some of the bloggers/reviewers have gone on about. I mean, I am traditionally a Symbian OS user. I hate touchscreen and am most definitely a QWERTY person. I hate the Apple iPhone UI. Considering most reviewers keep bashing the Symbian 5th edition UI for being less than iPhone quality, I think I should be right at home using it then. Like most of the reviews mntioned that if you are a longtime Symbian user than this phone is most definitely for you but if you were introduced to the world of touchscreens via iPhone or HTC or whatever non-Symbian, then it's most likely this is the phone you will love to hate.

I have coveted it for close to eight months and to finally have it in my sights, well, it makes me tear up. LOL. Ok, that's a bit on the nutty side. But I have wanted this phone for sooooo long and have been waiting ages for it to be released. My sis got hers last month and has been rubbing it in my face ever since. She doesn't even let me touch her phone. I had to beg her to let me take a few piccies of her N97. She'd parade the phone in front of me just so she could see me salivate with longing for the phone that was not mine. Sadistic arse! Ok, she didn't do the last one but she was weird about touching the phone. It pissed me off so she's still an arse for that. But now, no worries. I don't have to contend with her funny hang-ups any further. I will soon have my own N97 to acquire my own set of weird behavior :) Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!