Thursday, July 16, 2009

watching.....Hot Men Palooza!

Or the movie more commonly known as "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". First off, I would love to thank the casting director, the person who approved this many hot men to appear on my screen for a little more than an hour and a half. Should there have been more of these gorgeous men, I think I would have melted right along to join the puddle of drool around my seat. HAWT DAMN!

It was visual sensory overload. My main man, Hugh Jackman, *swoon*. Ryan Reynolds whom I've loved since "2 Guys, A Girl & A Pizza Place" brandishing double swords in the most sexiest of ways, *swoon*, Daniel Henney as trigger-happy Agent Zero, *swoon*. My favourite Dillon Panther Taylor Kitsch as the card-throwing, stick-wielding Gambit, *swoon*. Even extra hairy Liev Schreiber as Victor/Sabertooth gets a *swoon*. All the while during that first viewing, I kept seeing in my mind a blinking sign saying "Hot Men Palooza! Hot Men Palooza! Hot Men Palooza!" in bright Broadway style lights. It was distracting. In a completely great way.

Ah, totally makes me forget about the squicky Disney star, whatshisname. I should have started with this movie instead of favouring lil Zac Efron's outing. Anyways, I LOVED IT! Besides all the hot totty, the drool-worthy eye candy, the storyline was compelling, keeping me captivated. I loved getting to see Wolverine's background. I'm not an avid comic book reader (ok, I'm not a reader at all, just newspaper comic strips), I only ever know about them if they've previously been made into a tv series, cartoon or it's on the big screen. I was a fan of the X-Men animated series. When they first came out with the X-Men movie, I was ecstatic. Especially since I get to see one of my favourite contemporary actors as one of the best loved X-Men characters. I was also overjoyed when James Marsden was cast as Cyclops. But this movie, this one is the best. Not just in terms of the casting coup but the whole movie in its entirety. Just that damn good.

At this point I can't seem to see beyond the hot guys so I'm likely not to make any intelligent comments in regards of the movie itself but if there are those out there who still haven't watched this movie, please go. Why deny yourself the pleasure of completely gorgeous and ripped men duking it out in the most hottest of ways?