Saturday, July 11, 2009

hi. my name is zlena and i'm a shopaholic.

Do I want to do something about it? No, not particularly, I believe I'm still capable of keeping myself within the boundaries, just a few hundred metres shy from actually falling into the abyss of spiralling uncontrollable shopping. *Laughs*

Ok, maybe I am over-dramatizing my current situation. Or not. I'm a bit unsure, perhaps writing about it will shed some light. I was looking back at the past month and a half and reflecting on the amount of new things I bought. I am completely amazed. I have managed to part ways with over 700 dollars CASH without keeping myself under any kind of restraint. Ah well, at least I'm not in debt. Broke. Completely broke, I only have 25 bucks to last me through till the end of the month. But not owing nowt to no one.

Actually, this post was just to say that I am now in possession of the coveted Accessorize set-of-3 vintage brooches I posted about a week or so ago. My sis finally managed to hunt them down and just called to announce it to me. But then, as I thought about that, it segway-ed to a mental inventory check of all things purchased of late. Just today alone I managed to end up with 2 safari style short sleeve jackets in khaki and black as well as a long-sleeved stripey, totally summery and pretty henley shirt. Yesterday, after much gushing about the Anna Sui For Target black coat from the Jenny collection, I ended up getting a metal gray Cotton Ginny (famous Canadian brand) weatherproof trench with a detachable furry hood. I'm all set for my Europe trip now. I also got myself 4 metres of silk for a dress I want to have tailored. And that's just the type of damage I can do in about 2 days.

At the rate I'm going, you'd think that I'd have exhausted all avenues of ways to get rid of my money but I'm guessing there'll be a few more things that I'll end up purchasing tomorrow since I have to make a trip to the shops for something my aunt wants. I almost always end up getting something for myself. And since today's visit revealed a lot of interesting things that I had decided against buying, a second look around will most likely tip me in the direction of the cashier.

Sigh. Again, I'm just broke, not in credit card debt (I do have a student loan I am paying off looming over my head but that's a different thing altogether), but having so little cash in my purse is depressing :P Then again, all I have to do is look around my place at all the new things I got and then I'll know where all the pretty green paper went to.