Thursday, July 16, 2009

what age am I again?

I abhor teen-centric movies! Ok, that's not true, they're my guilty pleasure. And I really do mean G-U-I-L-T-Y pleasure. Cause I always end up feeling like such a cradle snatcher when I catch myself admiring the boys that appear in said movies. Yes, boys. Anyone not past the age of 25 is considered a boy to me.

I've talked about how I think Taylor Lautner is cute as Jacob in Twilight before but I have to admit, he only grew on me even more after I had read the whole series. Gave me a face to associate with the personality. If I had read the books before watching the movie, Jacob would still come out ahead of Edward, I would just have a not so strong face to put to the character. But given the fact that Jacob (and Taylor Lautner), in the movie and books, is a young boy of 17, imagining him, Taylor Lautner, and his really buffed bod comes off as really, really wrong! He's a total jailbait.

Anyways, this isn't about Twilight or Taylor Lautner. This is about another teen heartthrob. One who sings, dance and looks too pretty for his own good. When I first saw him in that first Disney movie, I thought what an all-around good-looking boy, but man (my attempt at irony), too chiseled for his age. I mean, his guns (which is a male body part I consider one of my weaknesses) were absolutely spectacular. It felt quite wrong admiring the boy's body in any way. Then came the second movie along with that musical. It was a bit of an overload and although he only grew into more of a pretty boy with such a great body, by then I was feeling a bit turned off. You know how some people can look too good? Well he's one of them. Then the third movie came out, the tween and teen girls the world over went even more nuts than before but for me, I started appraising him more as an object rather than a person. Like, yea, he's perfection personified but I can't help not liking it. I mean, as an object of admiration, he fell short of that for me. It's probably because of the age thing, what with him barely in his twenties and me with my nose pressed up against the thirties.

Then came his first movie after the Disney franchise machine. It had one of my favourite TV actors in it and I thought, ok, when it comes out, I'll go watch. Not for the pretty boy but because the aforementioned TV star was starring. It's been about two and a half months since the movie was released. I only got around to watching it today and I have to say, I completely fell back in like with the pretty boy. Damn! It makes me feel squicky to look at this boy and think he is one attractive guy. I feel kinda dirty for looking at him in his shirtless scenes. When I look at his face and find myself thinking about how gorgeous it is, I start feeling queasy. I feel old and gross when I catch myself thinking, "Damn, those are one great set of guns! I wonder if they're as solid as they look?". Zac Efron in "17 Again" just makes me feel icky about myself! I definitely did not feel 17 when I watched the movie.

Other than that, I liked the movie. It was sweet, funny and completely enjoyable. The prettiness of Zac Efron did distract quite a bit (especially his one particular scene with Leslie Mann when he's offering himself as help for her landscaping project and he raises an eyebrow in the most adorably sexy way) but all in all, I would definitely watch it again. Maybe with more viewings, the whole ickiness factor will have been squelched and I can totally enjoy the movie without feeling like such an old pervert :P

As a side note, I think he and Vanessa Hudgens make a great looking couple.