Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the princess of tantrum ages today

My first niece celebrates turning four today! So, a happy birthday shoutout goes out to you Poopie:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called home this morning so that I could personally sing it to her. She came to the phone and immediately said, "Hey Aunty Zlena, today's my birthday. I'm four". I was like, ok, so she's greeting everybody with a birthday announcement :)

She's probably the naughtiest one out of the three. I personally think it's cos she's the middle child and has that need to grab attention. I mean, she can throw a tantrum like no other and it doesn't help that our live-in nursemaid, whose primary job is to take care of the childrens' needs, panders to her. She's the nursemaid's favourite. Anything Sophia wants, Sophia gets but if Hunny Bunny wants anything she gets scolded. LOL, the nursemaid is sooooo biased. We tease her about it all the time but she always goes, "Oh no, that's not true, I love all 3 of them equally".

My nephew is none too pleased that it's his sister's birthday. For him, everyone else's birthday should also include him. I can't tell you the number of times we've had family gatherings and if there's a cake with candles, you'll see him crying to blow them out. What usually happens is we'll let the actual birthday person blow out the candles, relight 'em and then let him blow them out. I think the whole extended family indulges him too much. And he knows he's got us wrapped around his lil finger. Kids are more perceptive than most adults give them credit for. Miksy surely knows how to manipulate people's feelings for him. He's at that stage where if you don't give him something he wants, he'll turn to you and say, "You don't love me." The last time he did that to me, I just replied, "Well you don't love me either if you're still being stubborn about it". :D

But, anyways, this morning, he's like, "I don't want to get up. I don't want to wish Sophia". The only non attention hogger is the youngest, Hunny. She's so adorable and a complete sweetheart. Each time I see her earnest face peering at me while talking gibberish I just want to smother her with kisses! She's got that need to please thing going on for her but don't think she's a pushover cos she's not. She'll give as good as she gets when the need calls for it. I'm quite impressed with her ability to stand up for herself when confronted by a hostile older sister and brother.

Ok, back to the birthday girl. Sophia has her sweet side, it's not all hissy fits. And to be fair, the tantrums only occur when all 3 of them are in the same room and everything is just going haywire. She's always sweet to me though. When I was last home, she kept making me flowers out of Lego building blocks. I had to keep on pretending the flower had a smell cos she kept shoving it under my nose. They also went to a cousin's wedding recently and when I called to find out how it went, she came on the line and told me she brought me back a gift; it was a flower she snagged from the centerpiece :) She's also not the touchy feely type and rarely lies on the lap of anyone other than the maid to drink her milk but she does it with me. She's also really smart, definitely caught on to the ABC's and the 123's faster than her brother. You can actually tell that she's partly motivated to learn because she sees the attention people give her brother when he does well or learns something new. She's also very in tune with her self-image. Some of the tantrums thrown have been about the clothes laid out for her to wear. If she thinks she doesn't look pretty in them, she'll demand to go choose her own ensemble. This one's going to be even more fashion conscious than I am :P

So back to the phone convo, I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she went on a monologue about something Barbie. She's a bit Barbie obsessed. I didn't quite catch it because then the lil one came on and started telling me something in gibberish and things got chaotic. My mum then came on the line putting a stop to the madness.

Well, no worries Poopie, I'll be back in 2 weeks or so and we'll go get your prezzie then. Love you loads, baby girl! Happy turning four today!