Saturday, August 15, 2009

the two faces

of Michael Phelps. I think most people are aware of this. I'm not talking about his behavior in and out of the water. Personally, how he chooses to live his life outside of swimming is really up to him. I'll just say this on that subject though, for someone who claims to have "learned my lesson", he surely likes to repeat them a lot. To each his own though :)

No, I'm talking about the Michael Phelps in the water and the Michael Phelps out of water. Could there be a more distinct difference between the two. It baffles me how the guy can look like a water adonis when he's in the pool and well, to put it bluntly, particularly dweeby out of it.

I mean, my first imprinted image of Michael Phelps was when I was sitting in my Hilton San Francisco room last year watching him urging on Ryan Lochte (or some other teammate) to the gold and I thought at that moment that the dude is so hot. I mean, a swimmer's body is always cut but the overall effect with the water and the suit and the yelling, he looked extremely attractive.

That morning, as I read our complimentary paper, I looked at the photos of the US team receiving their gold medals and was surprised to see a dry Michael Phelps and not feel the same lust-induced pull. This went on for the next few days he competed in the swim events. In water, HOT, out of water, not so much. A bit confusing but it's not like I was marrying the guy. But it did cause some debate among my girlfriends about his rate-ability on the hot guy scale.

And until today, the hotness factor of Michael Phelps still has a dual personality. He's been in th news because of the world swim meets in Rome and the whole race suit debacle. His suit pulling antics after winning the 200 m breast stroke (I think) and the whole alpha male act was hot. Then they showed him at a press conference and, again, not so hot. I'm with a lot of people on this when they say it's his ears that decrease the attractiveness. In the pool, his ears are pretty much pinned underneath his swim cap, out of water they are allowed to be free. Not that there's anything wrong with that. And it's not like the girls he's been with have cared as much about his ears cos it's not like he's short of female attention.

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership of the two images above. Photos are courtesy of and NBC respectively via Google Image, I just modified them with text :)