Thursday, February 4, 2010

i'm in love.....

with a TV character! Ah, I've missed falling in love with a fictional person :) The last TV dude I was completely in love with and have yet to really get over was Logan Huntzberger from Gilmore Girls. I still reminisce the good old days when I got to see Matt Czuchry strutting around as Logan every week and swoon at how charming (some people would say smarmy :P) he was. But Logan was a character I loved yet didn't want cos I always felt he belonged to Rory. Ok, just read that back and noticed how crazy all of it sounds.

Anyways, I find that it really isn't about the actor playing the role but really about the way a character has been written and executed. Matt Czuchry is on The Good Wife playing Cary Agos but I'm not totally feeling the love for him while he's on that show. I do catch myself going, "Aww, Logan" when Matt makes Cary slip into some of Logan's mannerisms but Cary on his own is not making the same impact as Logan.

This brings me to this new TV guy I've managed to find myself completely head over heels in love with. This isn't my first encounter with the actor playing my TV crush as I'd seen him on Lipstick Jungle prior to him landing this role but like I mentioned above, it really is about the character and not so much about the actor.

I am one of those few rabid Friday Night Lights fans who are so in love with the show and can't seem to understand why it isn't a bigger hit. When the last season ended, it was looking like it was in danger of being the series ending but then the good people at DirectShow renewed it for 2 more seasons and in November, Friday Night Lights came back to cable TV.

This new season introduces a slew of new characters as a show about high school football revolves around growing high school kids that have to graduate at one point or another. Many fans were worried about the quality of the show dropping what with nearly 95% of the main cast leaving for this fourth season but we worried overly much. This latest season is one of the most heartfelt, wrenching, grittiest and completely amazing show available on TV right now. The loss of all those beloved characters, although missed, was made more than bearable by the appearance of the new guys. One of which is the character Luke Cafferty played by Lipstick Jungle alum Matt Lauria.

Oh, Luke. You made me fall in love with you in that scene between you and Principal Taylor. How could a boy facing that kind of crushing disappointment still manage to have the decency and great manners to apologize for your mistake and thank the person bearing you the bad news that you'll no longer be playing for the revered Dillon Panthers where the town and its inhabitants practically kiss the ground you walk on whereever you go but instead have to head on over to the non-existent football fields of East Dillon High to join the Lions who haven't been in existence since 1984 or something to that effect? Your earnest, honest, innocent yet not completely guileless manner makes me want to hug you protectively yet kiss you senseless all at the same time! I especially love when I see him on the football field, in all his gear and being all commanding. It all just looks so hot. It's a big bonus when Taylor Kitch's Tim Riggins is on the field training him. I love 33 with a passion but he's too much of a man-whore for me to be in love with. That's why Fours caught my eye. Matt Lauria plays Luke with a fine balance of vulnerability and innocence coupled with some charm, humour, confidence and really attractive self-belief.

Look at that innocent-like. Don't you feel like you need to give him a hug? Ok, so he's not really that innocent, I WAS disappointed with the whole Luke-Becky storyline but hey, it happens and the way Luke dealt with it was great and mature and made me love him more despite the issue at hand. The whole Luke injury situation was also a bit of a bummer character-wise but again, in Matt Lauria's hands, Luke came across as endearing as ever.

Right, I'm going to stop gushing about fictional guy, Luke Cafferty and go off and take a shower now :D


Could not resist posting this pic of my 2 fave ex-Panthers on the field! Images are courtesy of my image googling Luke Cafferty and finding these screencaps on tumblr.