Wednesday, February 10, 2010

a mid-week roundup

Quite a bit of things has been happening in the past coupla days that i thought I might as well blog about.

First up, it's pre-Valentines week, the week of love so to speak (gag me),and my colleague (the one who called me fat - we've made up) and I have been trading anecdotes and insight on matters heartwise. I'm not a celebrator of this holiday whether I was attached or otherwise so it holds no significance for me except it always brings about reflections of my lovelife. I can understand why the thoughts plague me more during this time since it appears as if the whole world is being bombarded by a ginormous galaxy-sized billboard of LOVE. I don't mind, in fact I think I quite like reminiscing about my past entanglements, it brings a smile to my face thinking about my youthful, idealistic moments. Yes, I was once a bright-eyed, carefree young girl who had romantic ideals. Now, I like to think of myself as realistic but I think my friends would more likely call me jaded, cynical, you know where I'm heading with this.

Aside from that, I've been communicating with one of my beloved gal pals who now resides in Sydney, Australia. She's headed to Rio de Janeiro for some R&R, fulfilling a dream we both held during high school - to attend Brazil's infamous Carnivale. I was telling her how absolutely jealous I was that she was doing this without me; she's off on a vacay with her boyfriend. She told me we still have the Amazon to conquer and that'll be OUR trip. Our Brazil pact came about during the '94 World Cup held in the States. We both had a gigantic crush on the Brazilian forward, Bebeto, and that started the love for Brazil. We dreamt about going to Carnivale and storming the Amazon rainforest. Now, that I'm all grown up, I'm not too sure about trekking around in the jungle with crocodiles and piranhas but I'm still open to the experience - albeit reluctantly.

My other gal pal from our lil girl group (it's five of us girls - we've known each other since we were 7 and went to the same primary and secondary school), is currently somehwere in Italy, I forget which major city she's in. What I do know is that it's the land of Bottega Veneta. I was peeved that she forgot to inform me earlier until I saw her Facebook status telling me she'd arrived. We'd been discussing my getting a BV something ever since she mentioned she MIGHT have to go to Italy for work. Nonetheless, she allayed my fears by assuring me it was not too late to put in a lil request. I'm thinking of a long wallet, can't particularly afford anything else, as a lil birthday prezzie to myself. Perhaps I'll get the girls to chip in a lil bit as well :) I'm jealous at her as well for hitting Italy before the rest of us. I've got travel-envy pretty bad this month!

The third interesting thing that happened this week is that a guy I used to have a crush on during my year at my pre-U college, out of the blue contacted me on Facebook. I usually abhor social networking sites; to me it's simply a necessary evil I endure so that I can keep in touch with my pals what with us being scattered all over the globe (ok, I exaggerate, we're mainly in the Southeast hemisphere but we don't get to see each other often). At first when I read his message, all I could think was that I knew this dude from somewhere but just couldn't place him. So I had to, of course, tell him I didn't remember from where I knew him. He was cool about it and we've been emailing a bit. It's been 10 years since I've seen him, I was shocked when he requested to be my friend. Further still when he mentioned he'd been looking for me for a long time. He said he tried to find me on Friendster too but only found success on FB. Why this shocks me is because we barely spoke while we were at this boarding school style college. He was doing Physical Science while I was in Life Science and the only time we'd actually cross paths was in the hallways. Right before graduating from the college, we had one conversation and that was it. I thought he was cute but coming off of my break-up with my first love, G, I wasn't looking for anything beyond a crush. I admit I'm flattered but beyond that, I'm just curious to know why I had such an impact on him.

Ok, that's all I want to get off of my chest.