Wednesday, February 17, 2010

watching.....New Moon

Awww, poor, poor Jacob. Bella just doesn't deserve your love, Jacob. You'll find someone else, someone better than that crazy girl who wants to live the rest of her life drinking blood to survive.

LOL. I just finished watching New Moon. Even reading the books, I'm more on Team Jacob. I just do not like Edward and Bella's relationship. Never have, never will. Watching the first part of the movie where the Cullens featured heavily was a bore to me and I found myself doing a lot of eye-rolling and sneering at the so-called all-encompassing love of Bella and Edward. Please, just gag me or knock me out, it's simply vomit-inducing.

But then Taylor Lautner and all his awesomeness appeared on my screen (yes, I realize he's under 20 but squickiness be damned, he really shouldn't be allowed to have a body like that if he doesn't want old-ish - there's an eleven year difference between him and I - women to think he's super hot!) and then the whole story came to life! I even managed to like Bella when she's with Jacob. She comes across as less as a simpering hanger-on and more of her own person, a fun, interesting girl you'd like to get to know. Not the dreary, my-life-revolves-around-Edward Bella of the first movie and a lil bit of the second movie. Of course, since I'm done reading the saga, I know that Edward gets back into the picture and there's a little baby Vamp-Girl who Jacob imprints on (which I wish didn't happen cos that just seems squicky but if Jacob's happy, so am I).

Overall, I'm happy with the parts of the movie where it did not involve Edward and Bella. Hated any scenes they were in. Bella always appears so desperate it truly puts me off and I can't help but want to shake her and tell her to have some dignity. The film pretty much stays true to the book. I definitely enjoyed New Moon far better than that insipid drivel Twilight. Perhaps because New Moon and anything that features Jacob heavily appeals to me. I understand the main theme revolves around this forbidden love between a vampire and a human but seriously, the werewolf kicks both their asses. I'm invested in Jacob's story, the other two can jump off a cliff for all I care :D