Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dan Bergstein has reaffirmed my choice

I am unequivocally stating I'm definitely on Team Jacob.

The Twilight Saga came on my radar via the gossip site Back in 2008, the site was covering the filming of the Twilight movie which stars none other than the Robsten duo and co. Every day or so I'd see a snippet about the progress on set and I started wondering what the hell is this Twilight? Then, one of my favourite bloggers,, did a post about her being a Twilight convert and I was further intrigued. Not enough to actually go out and get the books though. I'm not really into vampire prose.

The movie came and went. With the release of Twilight came completely insane levels of explosion in popularity for the cast and the books itself. I still didn't get into it until January 2009. I was bored, there had been a lack of movies to watch when I remembered that vampire movie that created all the hoopla. I promptly downloaded it. But again, left it on my hard disk, languishing. In the meantime, the books went on sale so I decided to get the whole set, all four of 'em. On one really boring day, I finally worked up the effort to watch Twilight three months later, more or less. And came away feeling all meh. I did not get the hype. I do not understand the chemistry of Edward and Bella. I simply did not like them. There were not a lot of things I liked about the movie; baseball scene, Jacob - that's it I believe.

I did blog about my reaction to the movie sometime last year so I won't rehash my feelings on Twilight the movie. Right after, I read the books. I had had some preconceived notions from all the "internet people" about which book was supposed to be the best and bla, bla but after getting through the first two, I found I was not on the same page as the majority of the Twilight Saga lovers. I did not hate Twilight but the story did not resonate with me. I also did not agree with the general consensus that thought New Moon was just a necessary evil that had to be told. I LOVED New Moon. Well, parts that had no Bella and Edward interaction. Most definitely enjoyed it more so than Twilight. I loathed the whole dynamic of Bella and Edwards relationship in both the books. It was just overly depressing and difficult and 99% of it was of their own making. The saving grace I feel is Jacob Black. He is simply a joy to read about and I love it when he's in the scenes. He's a charismatic, funny, handsome, fit dude that any SANE girl would love.

Which is my long-winded way of saying, Dan Bergstein of Dan Bergstein's "Blogging Twilight" fame, I TOTALLY feel you, man. You are expressing the EXACT feelings I experience when I read the books. You also offered me further insight into the whole plot and plot devices in the saga which I may have missed because I was simply too preoccupied with rolling my eyes back into my head in disbelief. I LOVE (yes, I realize I am using caps indiscriminately in this post) that there is someone out there verbalizing the same opinion I have about the completely unhealthy relationship that Bella and Edward have. I also can't help but squeal in delight when he mentioned the difference in behavior between Bella with the vamps and Bella with the normal people. And I'm so completely in agreement on the whole Jacob "The Thunder" Black (cue dramatic music) being the most radsome werewolf!

I think people should just check out his reviews, done chapter by chapter, on Dan Bergstein's "Blogging Twilight". They are just AMAZING. Insightful and funny. Provocative too. I started reading them at 5:30 pm, coming back from work and finally finished up till his last post at about half past midnight. In that time I laughed out loud, seriously snorted and giggled and chortled through sooooo many of his outrageously hilarious postings. I'm now eagerly awaiting, as many others are too, for his next installation since he's only about halfway through his Eclipse review. But for what it's worth, totally worth spending time going through each one of them and enjoy the sketches he makes to accompany each post. His love for Emmet and the radtastic jetpacking werewolves is simply too funny to miss.

How did I happen across this site? I was trawling and as I was scrolling down a page, I saw one of the forum discussions talking about this guy who was doing a chapter by chapter blog review of the Twilight books. I clicked on the link provided and have not looked back since. is truly a gem of information, I've found sooo many great things through them. I heart and Dan Bergstein!